Monday, July 21, 2008

Ayahuasca, Amazon Herbal Medicine Documenatry

not totally sold on this.

via youtube:

"Health Nut talks about his Upcoming documentary on the Amazon Rain forest, "the worlds medicine chest". to find out more info check out these sites:

there are many studies with Ayahuasca for treatment with AIDS/HIV, addiction, cancer, diabetes etc etc.
42% of all drugs on the market today got their start from rain forest plants. help with all degenerative diseases is in the Amazon plants. herbal medicine is as old as man herself. if you are truly interested in saving the planet and your own health Amazon Herbs are a NO BRAINER.

to contact the singer, shaman Elisa directly:

there are no degenerative diseases in the Amazon....NONE, they do not exist. if allopathic medicine is such a great human achievement why are so many new and old diseases cropping up and exponentiating???"

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